Laos Partnership

Sharing the Bible with the People of Laos

Our Purpose

Even though there is no formal bible Bible society currently in Laos, we have a team working in the country of Laos. Through our partnerships between the local churches and the United Bible Societies, we are able to do the work of Scripture translation and production. We have the same vision as our predecessors and colleagues around the world – to make the Word of God accessible to all peoples. Thus, our purpose is to make God’s Word available to the people of Laos, in a language they can understand and in media that meet the people’s needs. Our primary focus is on Bible translation, publishing and distribution, and on Scripture engagement, advocacy, and literacy.

What We Do


We work with the local church to provide translations for the Scriptures and other Biblical materials.


We partner with local churches with our many distribution centers to help get Bibles to the people.


We provide literacy training for the poor and minorities so that they can read the Bible in Lao.


030 589 4760


Hong Seng Village, Chanthabouly District Vientiane, Laos

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday: Office Closed
